Helping Landlords to accept/deny booking requests with efficiency
Helping Landlords to accept/deny booking requests with efficiency
Helping Landlords to accept/deny booking requests with efficiency
Helping Landlords to accept/deny booking requests with efficiency
As part of my side project "Polishing", I explored the Zappyrent platform and identified some potential improvements in its usability, interactions, and workflows.
Zappyrent aims to make renting easy, safe, and quick for landlords and tenants.
Website :
Date :
August 12, 2023
Scope :
UX Design, UI Design
As part of my side project "Polishing", I explored the Zappyrent platform and identified some potential improvements in its usability, interactions, and workflows.
Zappyrent aims to make renting easy, safe, and quick for landlords and tenants.
Website :
Date :
August 12, 2023
Scope :
UX Design, UI Design
As part of my side project "Polishing", I explored the Zappyrent platform and identified some potential improvements in its usability, interactions, and workflows.
Zappyrent aims to make renting easy, safe, and quick for landlords and tenants.
Website :
Date :
August 12, 2023
Scope :
UX Design, UI Design
As part of my side project "Polishing", I explored the Zappyrent platform and identified some potential improvements in its usability, interactions, and workflows.
Zappyrent aims to make renting easy, safe, and quick for landlords and tenants.
Website :
Date :
August 12, 2023
Scope :
UX Design, UI Design
As a landlord on Zappyrent, it's essential to regularly visit your booking page. This allows you to accept or deny bookings, or simply review the details for any of your listings, especially if you manage multiple properties.
As a landlord on Zappyrent, it's essential to regularly visit your booking page. This allows you to accept or deny bookings, or simply review the details for any of your listings, especially if you manage multiple properties.
As a landlord on Zappyrent, it's essential to regularly visit your booking page. This allows you to accept or deny bookings, or simply review the details for any of your listings, especially if you manage multiple properties.
As a landlord on Zappyrent, it's essential to regularly visit your booking page. This allows you to accept or deny bookings, or simply review the details for any of your listings, especially if you manage multiple properties.
Currently, the booking page is challenging to navigate, lacking clear and sufficient information to effectively help our users to accept/deny
a booking request.
Currently, the booking page is challenging to navigate, lacking clear and sufficient information to effectively help our users to accept/deny
a booking request.
Currently, the booking page is challenging to navigate, lacking clear and sufficient information to effectively help our users to accept/deny
a booking request.
Currently, the booking page is challenging to navigate, lacking clear and sufficient information to effectively help our users to accept/deny
a booking request.
The current workflow has several problems:
There's no notification system for landlords about new booking requests.
The Bookings tab leads to a page with a different design and user experience. (leads to more confusion)
The booking overview lacks property titles, making it unclear which listing each booking is for.
The available information isn't helping for landlords to decide on booking requests.
The current workflow has several problems:
There's no notification system for landlords about new booking requests.
The Bookings tab leads to a page with a different design and user experience. (leads to more confusion)
The booking overview lacks property titles, making it unclear which listing each booking is for.
The available information isn't helping for landlords to decide on booking requests.
The current workflow has several problems:
There's no notification system for landlords about new booking requests.
The Bookings tab leads to a page with a different design and user experience. (leads to more confusion)
The booking overview lacks property titles, making it unclear which listing each booking is for.
The available information isn't helping for landlords to decide on booking requests.
The current workflow has several problems:
There's no notification system for landlords about new booking requests.
The Bookings tab leads to a page with a different design and user experience. (leads to more confusion)
The booking overview lacks property titles, making it unclear which listing each booking is for.
The available information isn't helping for landlords to decide on booking requests.
$Impact on Business
This confusion could lead to an increase in customer service calls, resulting in higher support costs $$$ for Zappyrent.
$Impact on Business
This confusion could lead to an increase in customer service calls, resulting in higher support costs $$$ for Zappyrent.
$Impact on Business
This confusion could lead to an increase in customer service calls, resulting in higher support costs $$$ for Zappyrent.
$Impact on Business
This confusion could lead to an increase in customer service calls, resulting in higher support costs $$$ for Zappyrent.
I reached out to the Zappyrent team for deeper insights and the possibility of working together. However, I ended up tackling the project independently, relying on Zappyrent's documentation and resources to enhance my understanding of their operations, business & product.
Based on my research, assumptions, and product sense, I redesigned the booking workflow to be more efficient for landlords.
I reached out to the Zappyrent team for deeper insights and the possibility of working together. However, I ended up tackling the project independently, relying on Zappyrent's documentation and resources to enhance my understanding of their operations, business & product.
Based on my research, assumptions, and product sense, I redesigned the booking workflow to be more efficient for landlords.
I reached out to the Zappyrent team for deeper insights and the possibility of working together. However, I ended up tackling the project independently, relying on Zappyrent's documentation and resources to enhance my understanding of their operations, business & product.
Based on my research, assumptions, and product sense, I redesigned the booking workflow to be more efficient for landlords.
I reached out to the Zappyrent team for deeper insights and the possibility of working together. However, I ended up tackling the project independently, relying on Zappyrent's documentation and resources to enhance my understanding of their operations, business & product.
Based on my research, assumptions, and product sense, I redesigned the booking workflow to be more efficient for landlords.

✅ With applying these updates users can now :
Get Notifications
Get alerted of new booking requests, and they can visually see that in the app
Have consistent experience
Standardizing and refining the design to ensure consistency in look, feel, and user experience.
Have Enough informations to decide on accepting/denying a request
Providing landlords with additional information to facilitate easier decisions on whether to accept or deny booking requests.
✅ With applying these updates users can now :
Get Notifications
Get alerted of new booking requests, and they can visually see that in the app
Have consistent experience
Standardizing and refining the design to ensure consistency in look, feel, and user experience.
Have Enough informations to decide on accepting/denying a request
Providing landlords with additional information to facilitate easier decisions on whether to accept or deny booking requests.
✅ With applying these updates users can now :
Get Notifications
Get alerted of new booking requests, and they can visually see that in the app
Have consistent experience
Standardizing and refining the design to ensure consistency in look, feel, and user experience.
Have Enough informations to decide on accepting/denying a request
Providing landlords with additional information to facilitate easier decisions on whether to accept or deny booking requests.
✅ With applying these updates
users can now :
Get Notifications
Get alerted of new booking requests, and they can visually see that in the app
Have consistent experience
Standardizing and refining the design to ensure consistency in look, feel, and user experience.
Have Enough informations to decide on accepting/denying a request
Providing landlords with additional information to facilitate easier decisions on whether to accept or deny booking requests.

Tenant scoring, is something new that I added to solve the trust problem that Landlords have (I did some research on renting in Italy and this trust insight came across a lot).
It's inspired from ZappyRent scoring system, but this one is based on Tenant informations (Listed in the picture below).

About the ZappyRent scoring system :
Zappyrent evaluates potential conductors with a score of 0 to 100 corresponding to their reliability.
I thought that this is very valuable insight so I used it to think about TenantScoring to improve trust and give landlords the flexibility they want.
About the ZappyRent scoring system :
Zappyrent evaluates potential conductors with a score of 0 to 100 corresponding to their reliability.
I thought that this is very valuable insight so I used it to think about TenantScoring to improve trust and give landlords the flexibility they want.
About the ZappyRent scoring system :
Zappyrent evaluates potential conductors with a score of 0 to 100 corresponding to their reliability.
I thought that this is very valuable insight so I used it to think about TenantScoring to improve trust and give landlords the flexibility they want.
About the ZappyRent scoring system :
Zappyrent evaluates potential conductors with a score of 0 to 100 corresponding to their reliability.
I thought that this is very valuable insight so I used it to think about TenantScoring to improve trust and give landlords the flexibility they want.
If you want to dig deeper in the research, insights about users and other stuff, check this Figjam file :
This is a Notion report with more details on interactions, bugs…